
Help for Paper

You can create and edit an unlimited number of Papers in Sketchbook.

Create Paper

To create a new Papre, tap the create button.

Open/Close Paper

To open the Papre, tap the thumbnail. And Close the Paper, tap the close button.

Select & Action Paper

You can select multiple Papers and operate them together by tapping the select button.

The types of actions that can operate multiple papers are as follows:

You can also perform these operations by long press individual Paper. (Press for 2 seconds or longer to display the action menu.)

Rearrange Paper

Long press the paper to rearrange it.

Export Paper with drag & drop

For the app that can accept images with iOS multitasking feature, you can export Papers by drag & drop from Puddle Sketch.

Import images and create new Paper with drag & drop

Drag & drop images from another app to the Paper list on Puddle Sketch, and then create a new Paper containing those images.